UCF's Palestinian Student Association 2021

Free Palestine

Annexation is the removal of citizens or forced acquisition of a foreign land by a government with aggressive force in which inflicts violence.

For over the last 70 years, Israel has oppressed Palestine for ownership of their land. The population of Israel is over 70% Jewish and the current political party in power is the Likud party. The Likud party is a Zionist party that aims to be a completely Independent Jewish state. Palestinians are being annexed by using claims of living on sovereign land. 

While working directly with the members that formulate the UCF Palestinian Student Association, I was able to learn more about the struggles that each individual has encountered, whether or not they come from Palestinian backgrounds. While this occupation impacts Palestinians it also impacts those outside as well. 

By presenting portraits of members that form this club, viewers will become better educated of the ongoing genocide Palestinians face & how to assist the lives of Palestinians & allies that reside away from war. 




A Day At The Park

